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Cascade Drilling - Tampa
Contact Sue
Contact Email cascadedrillingbmg@gmail.com
Address 1020 South 82nd Street
City Tampa
State Florida
Postal Code 33619
Country United States
Telephone (813) 626-1717
Description Cascade is the leading provider of environmental drilling, on-site remediation applications, and high resolution site characterization in the United States. Our vision is to integrate technology, safety, sustainability and human potential to tackle the challenging environmental and geotechnical issues facing our clients. But if you look at me funny when I say that, I will tell you that we provide environmental and geotechnical drilling. We aren’t the oil people, we pull samples and install monitoring equipment or help out on really big construction projects like dams, tunnels and bridges. Our other service line has this really cool technology to identify all types of pollution underground and produce 3-D maps of the contamination zones. Then we also have really smart people and more technology to clean up all of that contamination without ever having to dig up any dirt.
Web site http://cascade-env.com/locations/cascade-technical-services-tampa/

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